Source code for jmetal.algorithm.multiobjective.nsgaiii

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import List, TypeVar

import numpy as np
from numpy.linalg import LinAlgError
from scipy import special

from jmetal.algorithm.multiobjective.nsgaii import NSGAII
from jmetal.config import store
from jmetal.core.operator import Crossover, Mutation, Selection
from jmetal.core.problem import Problem
from jmetal.operator.selection import BinaryTournamentSelection
from jmetal.util.comparator import Comparator, MultiComparator
from jmetal.util.density_estimator import CrowdingDistance
from jmetal.util.evaluator import Evaluator
from jmetal.util.generator import Generator
from jmetal.util.ranking import FastNonDominatedRanking
from jmetal.util.termination_criterion import TerminationCriterion

S = TypeVar("S")
R = TypeVar("R")

.. module:: NSGA-III
   :platform: Unix, Windows
   :synopsis: NSGA-III (Non-dominance Sorting Genetic Algorithm III) implementation.

.. moduleauthor:: Antonio Benítez-Hidalgo <>, Julian Blank <>

class ReferenceDirectionFactory(ABC):
    def __init__(self, n_dim: int, scaling=None) -> None:
        self.n_dim = n_dim
        self.scaling = scaling

    def compute(self):
        if self.n_dim == 1:
            return np.array([[1.0]])
            ref_dirs = self._compute()
            if self.scaling is not None:
                ref_dirs = ref_dirs * self.scaling + ((1 - self.scaling) / self.n_dim)
            return ref_dirs

    def _compute(self):

class UniformReferenceDirectionFactory(ReferenceDirectionFactory):
    def __init__(self, n_dim: int, scaling=None, n_points: int = None, n_partitions: int = None) -> None:
        super().__init__(n_dim, scaling)
        if n_points is not None:
            self.n_partitions = self.get_partition_closest_to_points(n_points, n_dim)
            if n_partitions is None:
                raise Exception("Either provide number of partitions or number of points.")
                self.n_partitions = n_partitions

    def _compute(self):
        return self.uniform_reference_directions(self.n_partitions, self.n_dim)

    def uniform_reference_directions(self, n_partitions: int, n_dim: int):
        ref_dirs = []
        ref_dir = np.full(n_dim, np.inf)
        self.__uniform_reference_directions(ref_dirs, ref_dir, n_partitions, n_partitions, 0)
        return np.concatenate(ref_dirs, axis=0)

    def __uniform_reference_directions(self, ref_dirs, ref_dir, n_partitions: int, beta: int, depth: int):
        if depth == len(ref_dir) - 1:
            ref_dir[depth] = beta / (1.0 * n_partitions)
            ref_dirs.append(ref_dir[None, :])
            for i in range(beta + 1):
                ref_dir[depth] = 1.0 * i / (1.0 * n_partitions)
                self.__uniform_reference_directions(ref_dirs, np.copy(ref_dir), n_partitions, beta - i, depth + 1)

    def get_partition_closest_to_points(n_points, n_dim):
        # in this case the do method will always return one values anyway
        if n_dim == 1:
            return 0

        n_partitions = 1
        _n_points = UniformReferenceDirectionFactory.get_n_points(n_partitions, n_dim)
        while _n_points <= n_points:
            n_partitions += 1
            _n_points = UniformReferenceDirectionFactory.get_n_points(n_partitions, n_dim)

        return n_partitions - 1

    def get_n_points(n_partitions, n_dim):
        return int(special.binom(n_dim + n_partitions - 1, n_partitions))

def get_extreme_points(F, n_objs, ideal_point, extreme_points=None):
    """Calculate the Achievement Scalarization Function which is used for the extreme point decomposition."""
    asf = np.eye(n_objs)
    asf[asf == 0] = 1e6

    # add the old extreme points to never loose them for normalization
    _F = F
    if extreme_points is not None:
        _F = np.concatenate([extreme_points, _F], axis=0)

    # use __F because we substitute small values to be 0
    __F = _F - ideal_point
    __F[__F < 1e-3] = 0

    # update the extreme points for the normalization having the highest asf value each
    F_asf = np.max(__F * asf[:, None, :], axis=2)
    idx = np.argmin(F_asf, axis=1)
    extreme_points = _F[idx, :]

    return extreme_points

def get_nadir_point(extreme_points, ideal_point, worst_point, worst_of_front, worst_of_population):
    """Calculate the axis intersects for a set of individuals and its extremes (construct hyperplane)."""
        # find the intercepts using gaussian elimination
        M = extreme_points - ideal_point
        b = np.ones(extreme_points.shape[1])
        plane = np.linalg.solve(M, b)
        intercepts = 1 / plane

        nadir_point = ideal_point + intercepts

        if not np.allclose(, plane), b) or np.any(intercepts <= 1e-6) or np.any(nadir_point > worst_point):
            raise LinAlgError()
    except LinAlgError:
        nadir_point = worst_of_front

    b = nadir_point - ideal_point <= 1e-6
    nadir_point[b] = worst_of_population[b]

    return nadir_point

def niching(pop: List[S], n_remaining: int, niche_count, niche_of_individuals, dist_to_niche):
    survivors = []

    # boolean array of elements that are considered for each iteration
    mask = np.full(len(pop), True)

    while len(survivors) < n_remaining:
        # number of individuals to select in this iteration
        n_select = n_remaining - len(survivors)

        # all niches where new individuals can be assigned to and the corresponding niche count
        next_niches_list = np.unique(niche_of_individuals[mask])
        next_niche_count = niche_count[next_niches_list]

        # the minimum niche count
        min_niche_count = next_niche_count.min()

        # all niches with the minimum niche count (truncate if randomly select more niches than remaining individuals)
        next_niches = next_niches_list[np.where(next_niche_count == min_niche_count)[0]]
        next_niches = next_niches[np.random.permutation(len(next_niches))[:n_select]]

        for next_niche in next_niches:
            # indices of individuals that are considered and assign to next_niche
            next_ind = np.where(np.logical_and(niche_of_individuals == next_niche, mask))[0]

            # shuffle to break random_search tie (equal perp. dist) or select randomly

            if niche_count[next_niche] == 0:
                next_ind = next_ind[np.argmin(dist_to_niche[next_ind])]
                is_closest = True
                # already randomized through shuffling
                next_ind = next_ind[0]
                is_closest = False

            # add the selected individual to the survivors
            mask[next_ind] = False
            pop[next_ind].attributes["is_closest"] = is_closest

            # increase the corresponding niche count
            niche_count[next_niche] += 1

    return survivors

def associate_to_niches(F, niches, ideal_point, nadir_point, utopian_epsilon: float = 0.0):
    """Associate each solution to a reference point."""
    utopian_point = ideal_point - utopian_epsilon

    denom = nadir_point - utopian_point
    denom[denom == 0] = 1e-12

    # normalize by ideal point and intercepts
    N = (F - utopian_point) / denom

    def compute_perpendicular_distance(N, ref_dirs):
        u = np.tile(ref_dirs, (len(N), 1))
        v = np.repeat(N, len(ref_dirs), axis=0)

        norm_u = np.linalg.norm(u, axis=1)

        scalar_proj = np.sum(v * u, axis=1) / norm_u
        proj = scalar_proj[:, None] * u / norm_u[:, None]
        val = np.linalg.norm(proj - v, axis=1)
        matrix = np.reshape(val, (len(N), len(ref_dirs)))

        return matrix

    dist_matrix = compute_perpendicular_distance(N, niches)

    niche_of_individuals = np.argmin(dist_matrix, axis=1)
    dist_to_niche = dist_matrix[np.arange(F.shape[0]), niche_of_individuals]

    return niche_of_individuals, dist_to_niche

def compute_niche_count(n_niches: int, niche_of_individuals):
    niche_count = np.zeros(n_niches,
    index, count = np.unique(niche_of_individuals, return_counts=True)
    niche_count[index] = count

    return niche_count

[docs] class NSGAIII(NSGAII): def __init__( self, reference_directions, problem: Problem, mutation: Mutation, crossover: Crossover, population_size: int = None, selection: Selection = BinaryTournamentSelection( MultiComparator([FastNonDominatedRanking.get_comparator(), CrowdingDistance.get_comparator()]) ), termination_criterion: TerminationCriterion = store.default_termination_criteria, population_generator: Generator = store.default_generator, population_evaluator: Evaluator = store.default_evaluator, dominance_comparator: Comparator = store.default_comparator, ): self.reference_directions = reference_directions.compute() if not population_size: population_size = len(self.reference_directions) if self.reference_directions.shape[1] != problem.number_of_objectives(): raise Exception("Dimensionality of reference points must be equal to the number of objectives") super(NSGAIII, self).__init__( problem=problem, population_size=population_size, offspring_population_size=population_size, mutation=mutation, crossover=crossover, selection=selection, termination_criterion=termination_criterion, population_evaluator=population_evaluator, population_generator=population_generator, dominance_comparator=dominance_comparator, ) self.extreme_points = None self.ideal_point = np.full(self.problem.number_of_objectives(), np.inf) self.worst_point = np.full(self.problem.number_of_objectives(), -np.inf)
[docs] def replacement(self, population: List[S], offspring_population: List[S]) -> List[S]: """Implements NSGA-III environmental selection based on reference points as described in: * Deb, K., & Jain, H. (2014). An Evolutionary Many-Objective Optimization Algorithm Using Reference-Point-Based Nondominated Sorting Approach, Part I: Solving Problems With Box Constraints. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 18(4), 577–601. doi:10.1109/TEVC.2013.2281535. """ F = np.array([s.objectives for s in population]) # find or usually update the new ideal point - from feasible solutions # note that we are assuming minimization here! self.ideal_point = np.min(np.vstack((self.ideal_point, F)), axis=0) self.worst_point = np.max(np.vstack((self.worst_point, F)), axis=0) # calculate the fronts of the population ranking = FastNonDominatedRanking(self.dominance_comparator) ranking.compute_ranking(population + offspring_population, k=self.population_size) fronts, non_dominated = ranking.ranked_sublists, ranking.get_subfront(0) # find the extreme points for normalization self.extreme_points = get_extreme_points( F=np.array([s.objectives for s in non_dominated]), n_objs=self.problem.number_of_objectives(), ideal_point=self.ideal_point, extreme_points=self.extreme_points, ) # find the intercepts for normalization and do backup if gaussian elimination fails worst_of_population = np.max(F, axis=0) worst_of_front = np.max(np.array([s.objectives for s in non_dominated]), axis=0) nadir_point = get_nadir_point( extreme_points=self.extreme_points, ideal_point=self.ideal_point, worst_point=self.worst_point, worst_of_population=worst_of_population, worst_of_front=worst_of_front, ) # consider only the population until we come to the splitting front pop = np.concatenate(ranking.ranked_sublists) F = np.array([s.objectives for s in pop]) # update the front indices for the current population counter = 0 for i in range(len(fronts)): for j in range(len(fronts[i])): fronts[i][j] = counter counter += 1 last_front = np.array(fronts[-1]) # associate individuals to niches niche_of_individuals, dist_to_niche = associate_to_niches( F=F, niches=self.reference_directions, ideal_point=self.ideal_point, nadir_point=nadir_point ) # if we need to select individuals to survive if len(pop) > self.population_size: # if there is only one front if len(fronts) == 1: until_last_front = np.array([], niche_count = np.zeros(len(self.reference_directions), n_remaining = self.population_size # if some individuals already survived else: until_last_front = np.concatenate(fronts[:-1]) niche_count = compute_niche_count( len(self.reference_directions), niche_of_individuals[until_last_front] ) n_remaining = self.population_size - len(until_last_front) S_idx = niching( pop=pop[last_front], n_remaining=n_remaining, niche_count=niche_count, niche_of_individuals=niche_of_individuals[last_front], dist_to_niche=dist_to_niche[last_front], ) survivors_idx = np.concatenate((until_last_front, last_front[S_idx].tolist())) pop = pop[survivors_idx] return list(pop)
[docs] def result(self): """Return only non dominated solutions.""" ranking = FastNonDominatedRanking(self.dominance_comparator) ranking.compute_ranking(, k=self.population_size) return ranking.get_subfront(0)
[docs] def get_name(self) -> str: return "NSGAIII"