Source code for jmetal.lab.statistical_test.critical_distance

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from statsmodels.stats.libqsturng import qsturng

from jmetal.lab.statistical_test.functions import ranks

[docs]def NemenyiCD(alpha: float, num_alg, num_dataset): """ Computes Nemenyi's critical difference: * CD = q_alpha * sqrt(num_alg*(num_alg + 1)/(6*num_prob)) where q_alpha is the critical value, of the Studentized range statistic divided by sqrt(2). :param alpha: {0.1, 0.999}. Significance level. :param num_alg: number of tested algorithms. :param num_dataset: Number of problems/datasets where the algorithms have been tested. """ # get critical value q_alpha = qsturng(p=1 - alpha, r=num_alg, v=num_alg * (num_dataset - 1)) / np.sqrt(2) # compute the critical difference cd = q_alpha * np.sqrt(num_alg * (num_alg + 1) / (6.0 * num_dataset)) return cd
[docs]def CDplot(results, alpha: float = 0.05, higher_is_better: bool=False, alg_names: list = None, output_filename: str = 'cdplot.eps'): """ CDgraph plots the critical difference graph show in Janez Demsar's 2006 work: * Statistical Comparisons of Classifiers over Multiple Data Sets. :param results: A 2-D array containing results from each algorithm. Each row of 'results' represents an algorithm, and each column a dataset. :param alpha: {0.1, 0.999}. Significance level for the critical difference. :param alg_names: Names of the tested algorithms. """ def _join_alg(avranks, num_alg, cd): """ join_alg returns the set of non significant methods """ # get all pairs sets = (-1) * np.ones((num_alg, 2)) for i in range(num_alg): elements = np.where(np.logical_and( avranks - avranks[i] > 0, avranks - avranks[i] < cd))[0] if elements.size > 0: sets[i, :] = [avranks[i], avranks[elements[-1]]] sets = np.delete(sets, np.where(sets[:, 0] < 0)[0], axis=0) # group pairs group = sets[0, :] for i in range(1, sets.shape[0]): if sets[i - 1, 1] < sets[i, 1]: group = np.vstack((group, sets[i, :])) return group # Initial Checking if type(results) == pd.DataFrame: alg_names = results.index results = results.values elif type(results) == np.ndarray and alg_names is None: alg_names = np.array( ['Alg%d' % alg for alg in range(results.shape[1])]) if results.ndim == 2: num_alg, num_dataset = results.shape else: raise ValueError( 'Initialization ERROR: In CDplot(...) results must be 2-D array') # Get the critical difference cd = NemenyiCD(alpha, num_alg, num_dataset) # Compute ranks. (ranks[i][j] rank of the i-th algorithm on the j-th problem.) rranks = ranks(results.T, descending=higher_is_better) # Compute for each algorithm the ranking averages. avranks = np.transpose(np.mean(rranks, axis=0)) indices = np.argsort(avranks).astype(np.uint8) avranks = avranks[indices] # Split algorithms. spoint = np.round(num_alg / 2.0).astype(np.uint8) leftalg = avranks[:spoint] rightalg = avranks[spoint:] rows = np.ceil(num_alg / 2.0).astype(np.uint8) # Figure settings. highest = np.ceil(np.max(avranks)).astype(np.uint8) # highest shown rank lowest = np.floor(np.min(avranks)).astype(np.uint8) # lowest shown rank width = 6 # default figure width (in inches) height = (0.575 * (rows + 1)) # figure height """ FIGURE (1,0) +-----+---------------------------+-------+ | | | | | | | | | | | | +-----+---------------------------+-------+ stop | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-----+---------------------------+-------+ sbottom | | | | +-----+---------------------------+-------+ sleft sright (0,1) """ stop, sbottom, sleft, sright = 0.65, 0.1, 0.15, 0.85 # main horizontal axis length lline = sright - sleft # Initialize figure fig = plt.figure(figsize=(width, height), facecolor='white') ax = fig.add_axes([0, 0, 1, 1]) ax.set_xlim(0, 1) ax.set_ylim(0, 1) ax.set_axis_off() # Main horizontal axis ax.hlines(stop, sleft, sright, color='black', linewidth=0.7) for xi in range(highest - lowest + 1): # Plot mayor ticks ax.vlines(x=sleft + (lline * xi) / (highest - lowest), ymin=stop, ymax=stop + 0.05, color='black', linewidth=0.7) # Mayor ticks labels ax.text(x=sleft + (lline * xi) / (highest - lowest), y=stop + 0.06, s=str(lowest + xi), ha='center', va='bottom') # Minor ticks if xi < highest - lowest: ax.vlines(x=sleft + (lline * (xi + 0.5)) / (highest - lowest), ymin=stop, ymax=stop + 0.025, color='black', linewidth=0.7) # Plot lines/names for left models vspace = 0.5 * (stop - sbottom) / (spoint + 1) for i in range(spoint): ax.vlines(x=sleft + (lline * (leftalg[i] - lowest)) / (highest - lowest), ymin=sbottom + (spoint - 1 - i) * vspace, ymax=stop, color='black', linewidth=0.7) ax.hlines(y=sbottom + (spoint - 1 - i) * vspace, xmin=sleft, xmax=sleft + (lline * (leftalg[i] - lowest)) / (highest - lowest), color='black', linewidth=0.7) ax.text(x=sleft - 0.01, y=sbottom + (spoint - 1 - i) * vspace, s=alg_names[indices][i], ha='right', va='center') # Plot lines/names for right models vspace = 0.5 * (stop - sbottom) / (num_alg - spoint + 1) for i in range(num_alg - spoint): ax.vlines(x=sleft + (lline * (rightalg[i] - lowest)) / (highest - lowest), ymin=sbottom + i * vspace, ymax=stop, color='black', linewidth=0.7) ax.hlines(y=sbottom + i * vspace, xmin=sleft + (lline * (rightalg[i] - lowest)) / (highest - lowest), xmax=sright, color='black', linewidth=0.7) ax.text(x=sright + 0.01, y=sbottom + i * vspace, s=alg_names[indices][spoint + i], ha='left', va='center') # Plot critical difference rule if sleft + (cd * lline) / (highest - lowest) <= sright: ax.hlines(y=stop + 0.2, xmin=sleft, xmax=sleft + (cd * lline) / (highest - lowest), linewidth=1.5) ax.text(x=sleft + 0.5 * (cd * lline) / (highest - lowest), y=stop + 0.21, s='CD=%.3f' % cd, ha='center', va='bottom') else: ax.text(x=(sleft + sright) / 2, y=stop + 0.2, s='CD=%.3f' % cd, ha='center', va='bottom') # Get pair of non-significant methods nonsig = _join_alg(avranks, num_alg, cd) if nonsig.ndim == 2: if nonsig.shape[0] == 2: left_lines = np.reshape(nonsig[0, :], (1, 2)) right_lines = np.reshape(nonsig[1, :], (1, 2)) else: left_lines = nonsig[:np.round( nonsig.shape[0] / 2.0).astype(np.uint8), :] right_lines = nonsig[np.round( nonsig.shape[0] / 2.0).astype(np.uint8):, :] else: left_lines = np.reshape(nonsig, (1, nonsig.shape[0])) # plot from the left vspace = 0.5 * (stop - sbottom) / (left_lines.shape[0] + 1) for i in range(left_lines.shape[0]): ax.hlines(y=stop - (i + 1) * vspace, xmin=sleft + lline * (left_lines[i, 0] - lowest - 0.025) / (highest - lowest), xmax=sleft + lline * (left_lines[i, 1] - lowest + 0.025) / (highest - lowest), linewidth=2) # plot from the rigth if nonsig.ndim == 2: vspace = 0.5 * (stop - sbottom) / (left_lines.shape[0]) for i in range(right_lines.shape[0]): ax.hlines(y=stop - (i + 1) * vspace, xmin=sleft + lline * (right_lines[i, 0] - lowest - 0.025) / (highest - lowest), xmax=sleft + lline * (right_lines[i, 1] - lowest + 0.025) / (highest - lowest), linewidth=2) plt.savefig(output_filename, bbox_inches='tight')