Source code for jmetal.lab.visualization.interactive

import logging
from typing import TypeVar, List

import pandas as pd
from plotly import graph_objs as go
from plotly import io as pio
from plotly import offline

from jmetal.lab.visualization.plotting import Plot

LOGGER = logging.getLogger('jmetal')

S = TypeVar('S')

[docs]class InteractivePlot(Plot): def __init__(self, title: str = 'Pareto front approximation', reference_front: List[S] = None, reference_point: list = None, axis_labels: list = None): super(InteractivePlot, self).__init__(title, reference_front, reference_point, axis_labels) self.figure = None self.layout = None = []
[docs] def plot(self, front, label=None, normalize: bool = False, filename: str = None, format: str = 'HTML'): """ Plot a front of solutions (2D, 3D or parallel coordinates). :param front: List of solutions. :param label: Front name. :param normalize: Normalize the input front between 0 and 1 (for problems with more than 3 objectives). :param filename: Output filename. """ if not isinstance(label, list): label = [label] self.layout = go.Layout( margin=dict(l=80, r=80, b=80, t=150), height=800, title='{}<br>{}'.format(self.plot_title, label[0]), scene=dict( xaxis=dict(title=self.axis_labels[0:1][0] if self.axis_labels[0:1] else None), yaxis=dict(title=self.axis_labels[1:2][0] if self.axis_labels[1:2] else None), zaxis=dict(title=self.axis_labels[2:3][0] if self.axis_labels[2:3] else None) ), hovermode='closest' ) # If any reference front, plot if self.reference_front: points, _ = self.get_points(self.reference_front) trace = self.__generate_trace(points=points, legend='Reference front', normalize=normalize, color='black', size=2) # If any reference point, plot if self.reference_point: points = pd.DataFrame(self.reference_point) trace = self.__generate_trace(points=points, legend='Reference point', color='red', size=8) # Get points and metadata points, _ = self.get_points(front) metadata = list(solution.__str__() for solution in front) trace = self.__generate_trace(points=points, metadata=metadata, legend='Front approximation', normalize=normalize) self.figure = go.Figure(, layout=self.layout) # Plot the figure if filename: if format == 'HTML': self.export_to_html(filename) else: pio.write_image(self.figure, filename + '.' + format)
[docs] def export_to_html(self, filename: str) -> str: """ Export the graph to an interactive HTML (solutions can be selected to show some metadata). :param filename: Output file name. :return: Script as string. """ html_string = ''' <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"/> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <link rel="stylesheet" href=""> </head> <body> ''' + self.export_to_div(filename=None, include_plotlyjs=False) + ''' <script> var myPlot = document.querySelectorAll('div')[0]; myPlot.on('plotly_click', function(data){ var pts = ''; for(var i=0; i < data.points.length; i++){ pts = '(x, y) = ('+data.points[i].x +', '+ data.points[i].y.toPrecision(4)+')'; cs = data.points[i].customdata } if(typeof cs !== "undefined"){ swal({ title: 'Closest solution clicked:', text: cs, type: 'info', position: 'bottom-end' }) } }); window.onresize = function() { Plotly.Plots.resize(myPlot); }; </script> </body> </html>''' with open(filename + '.html', 'w') as outf: outf.write(html_string) return html_string
[docs] def export_to_div(self, filename=None, include_plotlyjs: bool = False) -> str: """ Export as a `div` for embedding the graph in an HTML file. :param filename: Output file name (if desired, default to None). :param include_plotlyjs: If True, include JS script (default to False). :return: Script as string. """ script = offline.plot(self.figure, output_type='div', include_plotlyjs=include_plotlyjs, show_link=False) if filename: with open(filename + '.html', 'w') as outf: outf.write(script) return script
def __generate_trace(self, points: pd.DataFrame, legend: str, metadata: list = None, normalize: bool = False, **kwargs): dimension = points.shape[1] # tweak points size for 3D plots marker_size = 8 if dimension == 3: marker_size = 4 # if indicated, perform normalization if normalize: points = (points - points.min()) / (points.max() - points.min()) marker = dict( color='#236FA4', size=marker_size, symbol='circle', line=dict( color='#236FA4', width=1 ), opacity=0.8 ) marker.update(**kwargs) if dimension == 2: trace = go.Scattergl( x=points[0], y=points[1], mode='markers', marker=marker, name=legend, customdata=metadata ) elif dimension == 3: trace = go.Scatter3d( x=points[0], y=points[1], z=points[2], mode='markers', marker=marker, name=legend, customdata=metadata ) else: dimensions = list() for column in points: dimensions.append( dict(range=[0, 1], label=self.axis_labels[column:column + 1][0] if self.axis_labels[column:column + 1] else None, values=points[column]) ) trace = go.Parcoords( line=dict( color='#236FA4' ), dimensions=dimensions, name=legend, ) return trace