Source code for jmetal.operator.selection

import random
from typing import List, TypeVar

import numpy as np

from jmetal.core.operator import Selection
from jmetal.util.density_estimator import CrowdingDistance
from jmetal.util.ranking import FastNonDominatedRanking
from jmetal.util.comparator import Comparator, DominanceComparator

S = TypeVar('S')

.. module:: selection
   :platform: Unix, Windows
   :synopsis: Module implementing selection operators.

.. moduleauthor:: Antonio J. Nebro <>, Antonio Benítez-Hidalgo <>

[docs]class RouletteWheelSelection(Selection[List[S], S]): """Performs roulette wheel selection. """ def __init__(self): super(RouletteWheelSelection).__init__()
[docs] def execute(self, front: List[S]) -> S: if front is None: raise Exception('The front is null') elif len(front) == 0: raise Exception('The front is empty') maximum = sum([solution.objectives[0] for solution in front]) rand = random.uniform(0.0, maximum) value = 0.0 for solution in front: value += solution.objectives[0] if value > rand: return solution return None
[docs] def get_name(self) -> str: return 'Roulette wheel selection'
[docs]class BinaryTournamentSelection(Selection[List[S], S]): def __init__(self, comparator: Comparator = DominanceComparator()): super(BinaryTournamentSelection, self).__init__() self.comparator = comparator
[docs] def execute(self, front: List[S]) -> S: if front is None: raise Exception('The front is null') elif len(front) == 0: raise Exception('The front is empty') if len(front) == 1: result = front[0] else: # Sampling without replacement i, j = random.sample(range(0, len(front)), 2) solution1 = front[i] solution2 = front[j] flag =, solution2) if flag == -1: result = solution1 elif flag == 1: result = solution2 else: result = [solution1, solution2][random.random() < 0.5] return result
[docs] def get_name(self) -> str: return 'Binary tournament selection'
[docs]class BestSolutionSelection(Selection[List[S], S]): def __init__(self): super(BestSolutionSelection, self).__init__()
[docs] def execute(self, front: List[S]) -> S: if front is None: raise Exception('The front is null') elif len(front) == 0: raise Exception('The front is empty') result = front[0] for solution in front[1:]: if DominanceComparator().compare(solution, result) < 0: result = solution return result
[docs] def get_name(self) -> str: return 'Best solution selection'
[docs]class NaryRandomSolutionSelection(Selection[List[S], S]): def __init__(self, number_of_solutions_to_be_returned: int = 1): super(NaryRandomSolutionSelection, self).__init__() if number_of_solutions_to_be_returned < 0: raise Exception('The number of solutions to be returned must be positive integer') self.number_of_solutions_to_be_returned = number_of_solutions_to_be_returned
[docs] def execute(self, front: List[S]) -> S: if front is None: raise Exception('The front is null') if len(front) == 0: raise Exception('The front is empty') if len(front) < self.number_of_solutions_to_be_returned: raise Exception('The front contains less elements than required') # random_search sampling without replacement return random.sample(front, self.number_of_solutions_to_be_returned)
[docs] def get_name(self) -> str: return 'Nary random_search solution selection'
[docs]class DifferentialEvolutionSelection(Selection[List[S], List[S]]): def __init__(self): super(DifferentialEvolutionSelection, self).__init__() self.index_to_exclude = None
[docs] def execute(self, front: List[S]) -> List[S]: if front is None: raise Exception('The front is null') elif len(front) == 0: raise Exception('The front is empty') elif len(front) < 4: raise Exception('The front has less than four solutions: ' + str(len(front))) selected_indexes = random.sample(range(len(front)), 3) while self.index_to_exclude in selected_indexes: selected_indexes = random.sample(range(len(front)), 3) return [front[i] for i in selected_indexes]
[docs] def set_index_to_exclude(self, index: int): self.index_to_exclude = index
[docs] def get_name(self) -> str: return "Differential evolution selection"
[docs]class RandomSolutionSelection(Selection[List[S], S]): def __init__(self): super(RandomSolutionSelection, self).__init__()
[docs] def execute(self, front: List[S]) -> S: if front is None: raise Exception('The front is null') elif len(front) == 0: raise Exception('The front is empty') return random.choice(front)
[docs] def get_name(self) -> str: return 'Random solution selection'
[docs]class RankingAndCrowdingDistanceSelection(Selection[List[S], List[S]]): def __init__(self, max_population_size: int, dominance_comparator: Comparator = DominanceComparator()): super(RankingAndCrowdingDistanceSelection, self).__init__() self.max_population_size = max_population_size self.dominance_comparator = dominance_comparator
[docs] def execute(self, front: List[S]) -> List[S]: if front is None: raise Exception('The front is null') elif len(front) == 0: raise Exception('The front is empty') ranking = FastNonDominatedRanking(self.dominance_comparator) crowding_distance = CrowdingDistance() ranking.compute_ranking(front) ranking_index = 0 new_solution_list = [] while len(new_solution_list) < self.max_population_size: if len(ranking.get_subfront(ranking_index)) < (self.max_population_size - len(new_solution_list)): new_solution_list = new_solution_list + ranking.get_subfront(ranking_index) ranking_index += 1 else: subfront = ranking.get_subfront(ranking_index) crowding_distance.compute_density_estimator(subfront) sorted_subfront = sorted(subfront, key=lambda x: x.attributes['crowding_distance'], reverse=True) for i in range((self.max_population_size - len(new_solution_list))): new_solution_list.append(sorted_subfront[i]) return new_solution_list
[docs] def get_name(self) -> str: return 'Ranking and crowding distance selection'
[docs]class RankingAndFitnessSelection(Selection[List[S], List[S]]): def __init__(self, max_population_size: int, reference_point: S, dominance_comparator: Comparator = DominanceComparator()): super(RankingAndFitnessSelection, self).__init__() self.max_population_size = max_population_size self.dominance_comparator = dominance_comparator self.reference_point = reference_point
[docs] def hypesub(self, l, A, actDim, bounds, pvec, alpha, k): h = [0 for _ in range(l)] Adim = [a[actDim - 1] for a in A] indices_sort = sorted(range(len(Adim)), key=Adim.__getitem__) S = [A[j] for j in indices_sort] pvec = [pvec[j] for j in indices_sort] for i in range(1, len(S) + 1): if i < len(S): extrusion = S[i][actDim - 1] - S[i - 1][actDim - 1] else: extrusion = bounds[actDim - 1] - S[i - 1][actDim - 1] if actDim == 1: if i > k: break if all(alpha) >= 0: for p in pvec[0:i]: h[p] = h[p] + extrusion * alpha[i - 1] else: if extrusion > 0: h = [h[j] + extrusion * self.hypesub(l, S[0:i], actDim - 1, bounds, pvec[0:i], alpha, k)[j] for j in range(l)] return h
[docs] def compute_hypervol_fitness_values(self, population: List[S], reference_point: S, k: int): points = [ind.objectives for ind in population] bounds = reference_point.objectives population_size = len(points) if k < 0: k = population_size actDim = len(bounds) pvec = range(population_size) alpha = [] for i in range(1, k + 1): alpha.append([float(k - j) / (population_size - j) for j in range(1, i)]) / i) f = self.hypesub(population_size, points, actDim, bounds, pvec, alpha, k) for i in range(len(population)): population[i].attributes['fitness'] = f[i] return population
[docs] def execute(self, front: List[S]) -> List[S]: if front is None: raise Exception('The front is null') elif len(front) == 0: raise Exception('The front is empty') ranking = FastNonDominatedRanking(self.dominance_comparator) ranking.compute_ranking(front) ranking_index = 0 new_solution_list = [] while len(new_solution_list) < self.max_population_size: if len(ranking.get_subfront(ranking_index)) < self.max_population_size - len(new_solution_list): subfront = ranking.get_subfront(ranking_index) new_solution_list = new_solution_list + subfront ranking_index += 1 else: subfront = ranking.get_subfront(ranking_index) parameter_K = len(subfront) - (self.max_population_size - len(new_solution_list)) while parameter_K > 0: subfront = self.compute_hypervol_fitness_values(subfront, self.reference_point, parameter_K) subfront = sorted(subfront, key=lambda x: x.attributes['fitness'], reverse=True) subfront = subfront[:-1] parameter_K = parameter_K - 1 new_solution_list = new_solution_list + subfront return new_solution_list
[docs] def get_name(self) -> str: return 'Ranking and fitness selection'
[docs]class BinaryTournament2Selection(Selection[List[S], S]): def __init__(self, comparator_list: List[Comparator]): super(BinaryTournament2Selection, self).__init__() self.comparator_list = comparator_list
[docs] def execute(self, front: List[S]) -> S: if front is None: raise Exception('The front is null') elif len(front) == 0: raise Exception('The front is empty') elif not self.comparator_list: raise Exception('The comparators\' list is empty') winner = None if len(front) == 1: winner = front[0] else: for comparator in self.comparator_list: winner = self.__winner(front, comparator) if winner is not None: break if not winner: i = random.randrange(0, len(front)) winner = front[i] return winner
def __winner(self, front: List[S], comparator: Comparator): # Sampling without replacement i, j = random.sample(range(0, len(front)), 2) solution1 = front[i] solution2 = front[j] flag =, solution2) if flag == -1: result = solution1 elif flag == 1: result = solution2 else: result = None return result
[docs] def get_name(self) -> str: return 'Binary tournament selection (experimental)'